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Reactors and Accessories

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Designing and Manufacturing
Products for Catalysis

Over the last decade, the demand for the equipment needed to perform photoredox catalysis and parallel synthesis reactions has grown dramatically.  During this time, Analytical Sales and Services, Inc. has been at the forefront of designing and manufacturing aluminum reaction blocks and 96 well LED arrays and lamps. Our catalysis product line is complemented by a large offering of unique accessories like 384 well glass plates, powder transfer plates, preloaded vial trays and thermal transfer decks. Our second generation of LED arrays has been received with excitement and is already revolutionizing the work of many groups. We have also released our new Gen II line of aluminum reaction blocks. With advanced 4 and 5 bolt compression sealing design, these reactors provide even more efficiency and performance for your catalysis workflow. In collaborating directly with top scientists in the field from the pharmaceutical industry and academia, we’ve been able to create and provide exactly what our customers need to achieve their goals.

Para-dox® Aluminum Reaction Blocks

A successful approach to high-throughput reaction screening requires the best tools available. Our comprehensive line of photoredox catalysis and parallel synthesis reaction...
Lens Mat Active with Patent BLUE

Lumidox® II LED Arrays

Analytical’s patented LED arrays provide wavelength and power specific illumination to samples for photoredox catalysis applications.
Flow Reactor

Flow Reactor

The Para-Dox® Flow Reactor is a highly configurable, liquid cooled or heated flow reactor for the Analytical Sales and Services Lumidox®II platform. The new Para-Dox® Flow...

Thermal Transfer Decks

Our Thermal Transfer Decks can be used as either chilling plates or hot plates, or may be linked in novel ways to form gradients, or to serve other more experimental...