Sample Filtration
Sample prep is one of the most important steps for HPLC or UHPLC analysis. Good technique is critical to producing high quality data, and a basic understanding of how to perform proper sample filtration can save a laboratory the time and expense of unexpected part repair and replacement.
The removal of particulates that would potentially cause damage to valves, pumps, downstream filters, and columns, aids in extending the life of your system components. For example, any particle impurities present at time of injection can potentially block your column, leading to flow rate irregularities, which in turn can shift retention times of peaks, or cause a complete stoppage of the mobile phase. Oftentimes, this will result in the need to discard and replace the column. We have a range of filter membranes of various materials to accomplish general filtration. They are available in several filter plate formats including 24, 48, 96, 384 positions. Please see our subsections for: spin filters, filter plates, centrifuge tubes.
Additionally, the reduction of unwanted “matrix” compounds can lead to enhanced chromatography and higher signal detection through reduced analyte suppression. Along with the general filter membranes previously noted, we have solid phase extraction (SPE) filter plates available with various packing materials.
Concentration of your compound of interest to achieve acceptable detection limits of your analysis is often an important aspect of sample preparation. We have a range of SPE plates along with diatomaceous earth filter plates for supported liquid extraction (SLE) to support this.
We have a robust selection of MWCO filters as well (see “Spin Filters” subsection).
Lastly, we have our own uniquely designed equipment offerings. Our vacuum manifold for SPE filtration is compatible with any SLAS/ANSI standard sized plates, and our EquaVap® blowdown evaporator system aids in symmetrical evaporation of your samples. Equavap is available in 24, 48, 54, 96 and 384 well formats.
The selection of the proper filter material is of the utmost importance. Additional information to this regard can be found in the expandable FAQ section below, or you can reach out to our sales team for assistance.

Spin Filters

Filter Plates

SPE Filter Plates