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Vials & Accessories

10mm Wide mouth screw vial kits Assembled

10mm Wide Mouth Screw Vial Kits - Unassembled

    Click image thumbnail or SKU below for specific product details
    SKUDescriptionUnitsPriceQty / Add to Cart
    52248-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Clear Wide Mouth Screw Vials and Caps w/ Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$451.00
    52248SL-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Clear Wide Mouth Screw Vials and w/ Pre-Slit Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$406.00
    53348-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Clear Wide Mouth Screw Vials w/ Marking Spot and Caps w/ Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$482.00
    53348SL-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Clear Wide Mouth Screw Vials w/ Marking Spot and Caps w/ Pre-Slit Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$446.00
    52248A-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Amber Wide Mouth Screw Vials and Caps w/ Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$375.00
    52248ASL-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Amber Wide Mouth Screw Vials and Caps w/ Pre-Slit Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$415.00
    53348A-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Amber Wide Mouth Screw Vials w/ Marking Spot and Caps w/ Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$462.00
    53348ASL-CASE10mm, 12 x 32 2mL Clear Wide Mouth Screw Vials w/ Marking Spot and Caps w/ Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$446.00