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Vials & Accessories

13mm Unassembled kits

13mm Screw Vials & Caps in Kits - Unassembled

    Click image thumbnail or SKU below for specific product details
    ImageSKUDescriptionUnitsPriceQty / Add to Cart
    53631A-CASE13mm, 4mL Amber Screw Vials and Black PP Caps with 0.60" Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$337.00
    53731A-CASE 13mm, 4mL Amber Screw Vials and Black PP Caps with 0.75" Silicone/PTFE Liners
    53731A-CASE13mm, 4mL Amber Screw Vials and Black PP Caps with 0.75" Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$347.00
    53731AM-CASE13mm, 4mL Amber Screw Vials with Marking Spots and Black PP Caps with 0.75" Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$416.00
    53631-CASE13mm, 4mL Clear Screw Vials and Black PP Caps with 0.60" Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$335.00
    53731-CASE 13mm, 4mL Clear Screw Vials and Black PP Caps with 0.75" Silicone/PTFE Liners
    53731-CASE13mm, 4mL Clear Screw Vials and Black PP Caps with 0.75" Silicone/PTFE Liners1000$345.00