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9mm Precision MSQ

9mm Precision MSQ™ Vial Kits

Why Precision MSQ is the best choice:

Vials made with standard glass contain impurities which can leach into your sample. This can change the pH level of your sample and ultimately alter the accuracy of your results. Precision MSQ Vials are made with the purest materials under the strictest mandates for cleanliness right here in the United States. Less impurities in the glass means less alteration of your sample and far greater accuracy of your results.

    Click image thumbnail or SKU below for specific product details
    ImageSKUDescriptionUnitsPriceQty / Add to Cart
    91944-CASE9mm Screw Cap with MSQ PTFE/Silicone Liner1000$186.00
    99005ASL-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005ASL-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$480.00
    99005A-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005A-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$446.00
    99003AMSL MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials w/ 300µL Fused Glass Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99003AMSLMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials w/ 300µL Fused Glass Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners100$173.00
    99003AM MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials w/ 300µL Fused Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99003AMMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials w/ 300µL Fused Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners100$166.00
    99005AMSL-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005AMSL-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$503.00
    99005AM-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005AM-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$447.00
    99015AMSL-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99015AMSL-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$461.00
    99015AM-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Amber Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99015AM-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Amber Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$448.00
    99005SL-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005SL-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$465.00
    99005-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$446.00
    99003MSL MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials w/ 300µL Fused Glass Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99003MSLMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials w/ 300µL Fused Glass Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners100$161.00
    99005MSL-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005MSL-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$465.00
    99005M-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99005M-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Screw Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$444.00
    99015MSL-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99015MSL-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with Pre-Slit PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$422.00
    99015M-CASE MSQ Vial Kit: Clear Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99015M-CASEMSQ Vial Kit: Clear Snap/Crimp Vials with Marking Spot and Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners1000$402.00
    99003M MSQ Vial Kit: ClearScrew Vials w/ 300µL Fused Glass Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners
    99003MMSQ Vial Kit: ClearScrew Vials w/ 300µL Fused Glass Insert and Marking Spot, Caps with PTFE/Silicone Liners100$156.00