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base plates

Base Plates

    Click image thumbnail or SKU below for specific product details
    ImageSKUDescriptionUnitsPriceQty / Add to Cart
    96123412 Position Flat Bottom Base Plate for 20mL Scintillation VialsEach$89.00
    24125 24-Large-Well Solid Bottom Base Plate For 8 mL Scintillation Vials
    2412524-Large-Well Solid Bottom Base Plate For 8 mL Scintillation VialsEach$60.00
    24040624-Well, 4 x 6 Open Bottom Base Plate for 15 x 45mm, 4mL VialsEach$79.00
    451030 45-Well Flat Bottom Base Plate for MicroCentrifuge Vial Storage and Transfer
    45103045 Position Tray for Microcentrifuge Vial Storage and TransferEach$67.00
    48-Well Custom Flat Bottom Base Plate for 12 x 32 Vials
    48123248-Well Custom Flat Bottom Base Plate for 12 x 32 VialsEach$60.00
    2415050-Well Flat Bottom Base Plate for MicroCentrifuge Vial Storage and TransferEach$68.00
    96054 54-Well Custom Flat Bottom Base Plate for 12 x 32 Vials
    9605454-Well Custom Flat Bottom Base Plate for 12 x 32 VialsEach$75.00
    96096 96-Well Custom Flat Bottom Base Plate for 12 x 32 Vials
    9609696-Well Custom Flat Bottom Base Plate for 12 x 32 VialsEach$104.00
    90003 Snap Rack for 12mm Vials, Holds 50
    90003Snap Rack for 12mm Vials, Holds 50Each$14.00
    90004 Snap Rack for 8mm Vials, Holds 96
    90004Snap Rack for 8mm Vials, Holds 96Each$15.00
    12349 12-Well Aluminum Block
    1234912-Well Aluminum Block for 12x32mm VialsEach$137.00
    9000 Stackable Vial Rack/Insert Tray, 25 Position for Vials
    9000Stackable Vial Rack/Insert Tray, 25 Position for 12mm Vials5$29.00
    9000 Stackable Vial Rack/Insert Tray, 25 Position for Vials
    90002Stackable Vial Rack/Insert Tray, 25 Position for 15mm Vials5$29.00
    9000 Stackable Vial Rack/Insert Tray, 25 Position for Vials
    90001Stackable Vial Rack/Insert Tray, 25 Position for 8mm Vials5$29.00