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Lumidox® II LED Arrays & Lamps

Lumidox® II 24-Well, 18mm Spacing LED Arrays (with Lens Mat and Solid Base, for 1 Dram TCR)


Units/Pkg: Each

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Lumidox® II 24-Well, 18mm Spacing LED Arrays

Lens Mat surface with 18mm spacing between LED position centers

Available Wavelengths, (select option above):
UVC-255nm, UV365nm, UV375nm, UV385nm, UV395nm, UV405nm, 445nm-Indigo,  470nm-Blue,  505nm-Cyan,  527nm-Green,  590nm-Amber,  630nm-Red, White

Base configurations:
• Solid Base* – use for 24 position 1 Dram TCR
Solid base arrays are NOT self-cooling and require the use of a sufficient chiller/cooling device.

Average weight of arrays:
Solid base: 520g

Cord length: 150cm (59.05″)


Lens Mat / Solid Base



Typical Spectral Output - Sample Calibration Document
With each LED array, we provide a unique calibration document that notes the spectral outputs specific to the device. You can download a non-specific example of this document HERE.

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